I stopped by to the Empire Cinema jz wana see what movies are showing. well of course before i went there, i gave a call first and asked for the good movies..
Hamie yang kebetulan betugas masa atu membagitau.. ALICE IN WONDERLAND, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON dan 3 IDIOTS pada masa atu..kebetulan kedua-dua cerita kecuali 3 IDIOTS, sudah ku liat. pada mulanya aku inda beminat cerita ani.. dengar titlenya pun inda berapa interesting tapi bila si Hamie assure me yang cerita ani lawa..dan katanya mun kita meliat, inda kita menyesal katanya..mmmm..dat make me think twice..

Im not going to tell you the story but i juz gonna tell you dat..If you watch dz movie make sure to bring tissues.. im sure about that.. Its the best movie i ever watched this year after MY NAME IS KHAN and FROM PARIS WITH LOVE..

Monday til Wednesday (Day Time) :
$5 for adult
$5 (kid below 12)
(After 6 pm) : $6 for adult - kids remain the same
Thursday til Sunday (Day Time) :
$7 for adult
$5 (kid below 12)
(After 6 pm): $8 for adult - kids remain the same
For your information, TONIGHT..(31st Mac, 2010) its CLASH OF THE TITANS showing at 10.30 pm.. and tomorrow will be its PREMIER SHOW..its sure very FANTASTIC MOVIE which i saw from the TRAILER.. and Insya Allah..Im gonna be there to watch that movie.. and i propose to MOVIE LOVERS.. to watch this movie tonight or PREMIER SHOW tomorrow at EMPIRE CINEMA.

3 IDIOTS will be showing from 1st APRIL til 7th APRIL at: 1.20 pm
ALICE IN WONDERLAND will be showing from 1st APRIL til 7th APRIL at:
11.20 am, 4.20 pm, 6.20 pm, 10.40 pm
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON will be showing from 1st APRIL til 7th APRIL at
11.20 am, 1.00 pm, 2.40 pm, 4.20 pm, 8.30 pm
11.00 am, 1.00 pm, 3.00 pm, 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm (CIN 2), 7.00 pm, 8.30 pm (CIN 1)
9.30 pm, 10.30 pm (CIN 2), 11.30 pm
meanwhile from 4th APRIL til 7th APRIL the shows will be until 10.00 pm ONLY
well..these are the movies that will be released on the dated below. Make sure to those MOVIE LOVERS.. jot down these coming movies so that you dont miss the shows.. here it goes..
8th APRIL, 2010 - UP IN THE AIR... starring George Clooney
15th APRIL, 2010 - KAIJI - Japanese Movie
22nd APRIL, 2010 - GREEN ZONE
29th APRIL, 2010 - IRON MAN (2)
28th APRIL, 2010 - IP MAN (2)

d and dont forget to update the movies by calling to the counter via hotline 2417977.

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