[MAND/CANT] 1hr 49mins, Action
Starring: Sammo Hung, SiuWong Fan, KaTung Lam, Donnie Yen
Directed by: Wilson Yip
During Ip Man's arrival in Hong Kong in 1949, he notices that the martial arts schools there operate like triads rather than true martial arts institutions. To set things right, he starts his own school that not only just teaches martial arts but also the right values. However, Wing Chun, as taught by Ip Man, is being viewed as kung fu meant only for girls, while Sammo Hung's Hung Gar is being seen as a macho form of boxing. This resulted in conflict and rivalry between the two. Li Zhe will be enlisted in the police force once again in Hong Kong while Jin Shan Zhao will turn over a new leaf and retire from the martial arts world, becoming an ordinary citizen and making friends with Ip Man.
I already watched these movies, IPMAN 1 and IPMAN 2... personally, im really impressed not because of the martials alone but the spirit they have showed... the spirit of defending their own race, culture, dignity and confidence. It also showed the survival they had to go through in a very difficult situation..
Ipman 2, at the last action showed the kungfu masters have to be united after being bullied by the western boxer just to preserved their dignity though in the beginning of the story, the kungfu masters were not friendly at all to Ipman and doubt his capability.
To action movie lovers out there.. i recommend you all to watch this movie.. its really awsome..im really touch and proud for what Ipman said during his winning speech in the ring...though im not chinese but for what Ipman said.. its really touch my heart, and its true... i almost broke into tears for what he has said.. you should watch this movie and listen to what he said...